Vivid Lacquer Stamping - Black and White Comic Book!

Hello, lacquer-heads! Today I'm back with another Vivid Lacquer stamping plate to show you. This plate is nerd-tasticly amazing and features some comic book styled patterns, speech bubbles, bold words, and even a pattern that replicates the OPI Spotted look.

For this look, I used Sinful Shine "Wisp" and "Dark Room" as a base coat on alternating fingers. On my ring finger, I added an accent of Maybelline "Clearly Spotted" because I wanted to bring some glitter into this look. On my remaining fingers, I used four different designs from the stamping plate.

(Again, I probably should have photographed this before I used it for this manicure! My bad!)

Here are closeups of each nail so you can see the stamps a little bit better. I think the images transferred great and I had no problems using these plates!

So what do you think? I really like how this look turned out! Like I said in my previous review, I love these plates! I really appreciate that Vivid Lacquer offers so many designs, unique combinations, and large images to cover long nails! Make sure you follow Vivid Lacquer on Facebook HERE and you can find this plate in the Etsy store HERE.

*Products provided for my personal and 100% honest review.*
